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Watching the Watchmen

Posted by WaterShake - May 31st, 2010

Ok so I was watching the Watchmen the other night with my cousin, I was somewhat surprised.

I've seen the film numerous times, and each time i've been left disappointed. I'm a huge Alan Moore fan boy and I just feel that for all his talk, Zack Snyder failed to deliver.

He attempted to turn a character based story into an action film. He failed. All the magic and brilliance of the original was lost. Rorschach for example, came across as unbelievable and single sided. It didn't portray any of his "End is NIgh" persona. Also, he appeared to be somewhat of a hero with superior athletic ability; the point of Rorschach is he could potentially be anyone, he is whilst judgemental, entirely isolated. He is the viewpoint of the reader. His mask representing his outlook on life, black and white, the two always moving, but never merging into any grey zone. The film fails to capitalise on any of this. It is a similar story with all the other characters.

The film also missed out on lots of the symbolism and references littered throughout the book. Some of them weren't even small elements, but vital to the story such as the Tales of The Black Freighter. I think it was a mistake not to include Tales of The Black Freighter within the cinema cut of the film. The parallel stories are highly important to not only the themes of the book but to the development of Ozymandius as a believable villain. The ToTBF protagonist and Ozymandius are surprisingly similar. For example, they both ride the corpses of former comrades in an attempt to save their worlds.

However, upon watching yesterday, I saw a different side of the film. I saw it as a love story, and it was beautiful. It showed the slow death of Dr.Manhattan and SIlk Spectres relationship. As Dr.Manhattan slowly loses touch with reality and becomes disassociated with humanity. I saw the blossoming of the relation ship between, Silk Spectre and Nite Owl II. They used their joint nostalgia to escape the imminent doom of reality. I saw Rorschach at his most human, acknowledging Dan as a friend. Meanwhile Sally Jupiter falls in love with her past and Adrian Veidt goes thankless for saving the world.

All other times I saw the film, I saw it expecting a recreation of the book. But now I realise that that is not what the film was intended to do. The film was an insight into the lives of supposed "heros"

I have now watched the Watchmen, watched them fall apart and fall in love.

Watching the Watchmen


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