NG:A Hateful and Hypocritical Community?
At times, if you look at NG objectively, it seems as if we're a spiteful, hateful and hypocritical community. But surely this can't be true? Let's delve further into the issue.
If you spend time on the Forum section of Newgrounds, (or perhaps more specifically, the General forum) then you will most likely be exposed to some form of anger. Anger is ok. It's a natural human emotion, and is quite prevalent amongst white western male teenagers (the largest social demographic of Newgrounds). It's the nature of the anger that irks me.
The anger isn't constructive or productive in anyway. The anger isn't channelled into a source of motivation. It's not a spark to ignite change. It's not used in any immediately productive way. It's projected at others. It's projected at pop icons
Let's look at what some of our community members have to say about someone they haven't ever met.
At 6/15/10 09:17 AM, leftBrain wrote:
: I don't know why, but he gives off sickening vibes. That's why I hate him. I think it's his narcissistic expression.
At 6/15/10 09:50 AM, XPWN wrote:
: Bieber is a little faggot who got castrated and is fucked in the ass. And has shit music.
Charming. The anger is projected at popular communities.
Let's look at what some of our fellow community members have to say about a completely open armed, popular internet community; YouTube
At 8/6/10 02:46 PM, psychicpebble wrote:
: I can't fucking stand them. They're all so stupid.
: People are just idiots. Every comment is "Thumbs up if-" or they just quote something from the youtube video. Not to mention the loads and loads of 12 year olds and memes that stopped being funny in 2006. I just can't stand them.
: Overall, it is the worst place on the internet, the absolute bottom
People often comment on the "stupidity" of the YouTube community, they say that a quick look at the comments section tells you enough about the site. If thats the case, what does a quick look at the review section within our flash section tell us. Let's have a look shall we. Heres some reviews posted on yesterdays top 5
"I think this game is better than warcraft great job dude!"
"the perfect song to go to a bar listening to, thank Jebus!!!"
"i lol'd at this"
"The best game ever"
"that was ok......"
"awesome retro"
Perhaps we shouldn't throw stones in glass houses?
This anger is also projected inwards. People are overly hostile to each other, at times it feels like you have to browse the BBS walking on eggshells to avoid causing chaos. In some instances, merely offering an alternative viewpoint, or pointing out potential flaws in logic is enough to provoke a torrent of anger.
Let's take a look at some examples
At 9/2/10 03:20 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
You make shitty threads.
At 9/2/10 03:18 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
Why should we give a shit?
At 9/2/10 03:21 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
At 9/2/10 03:19 AM, twilightown wrote:
why should we give a shit?
I don't fucking know, you're the one who copy and pasted this stupid shit and then posted it here.
At 9/1/10 11:24 PM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
Just what we need, another youtube video game reviewer.
Fuck off.
At 9/1/10 04:43 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
Seriously, please give up. You've become the idiots you're trying to make fun of. There is no wit in your insults, bad joke delivery, and you just look like a fucking tool.
At 8/31/10 05:32 PM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
At 8/31/10 05:15 PM, RDSchley wrote:
lol gamestop. Seriously, the only people who would do a gamestop poll are the final fantasy fags: the only people who think a video game store is 'hip' and 'cool'
Gamespot you fucking retard, not gamestop.
Anyway, how come Pyramid Head didn't make it onto this list?
At 8/30/10 05:55 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
At 8/30/10 05:35 AM, Tribalfusion-X wrote:
This thread has potential!
Yes, maybe on a forum with actual comedically talented people. But not on newgrounds.
At 9/1/10 07:13 PM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
OH HAR HAR HAR, Get it guys? These fine gentlemen are saying phrases which under normal circumstances they would not say were they actually engaging in intercourse with a significant other.
Can't you guys think up something funny just fucking once?
All this perhaps suggest that maybe it's not just anger. Perhaps insecurity plays a factor as well. Maybe it's our dissatisfaction with ourselves, that causes us to act this way. It's hard to say, and it's best to avoid generalising.
It's easy to poorly portray a community. Perhaps I have poorly portrayed Newgrounds here. But i'm sure a long time member here, will at least have an inkling of what i'm talking about.
Regardless, I hope that we can mature collectively, and get past petty, trivial rivalries.
What are your thoughts on this NG?
Note, I love this community, and have no plans to leave or such like. But as mentioned above, there are some elements of it, like the pointless, petty arguing (that I am ironically contributing to) that I just find exasperating.
Some elements of the NG community are wonderful. I've had many great experiences within the various forums and have had many interesting and entertaining conversations. Many of the people within this community are thoroughly entertaining and pleasant, but a minority paint a negative image of the community.
yes the NG community is one of the most immature, hateful and disgusting communities i've ever stumbled upon
never going back to that NG forum ever again...
Some elements of the NG community are wonderful. I've had many great experiences within the various forums and have had many interesting and entertaining conversations.