
Age 31, Male

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WaterShake's News

Posted by WaterShake - July 20th, 2010

So last night I spent a considerable amount of time typing out a brief synopsis of my interpretation of Lady GaGa's VMA performance. I've had it all circling around in my head for a while but i've not actually ever committed anything to writing. Why last night you say? Well, it came up in conversation.

The way I see it, the performance is a portrayal of our fame culture. Fame is to a large extent, controlled by the paparazzi. They hound many celebrities and temporary stars, tirelessly hunting their prey. They build people a podium, place them upon it, only to take the entire structure down from underneath them. A case in point being Britney Spears.

You can watch Lady GaGa's VMA performance here on YouTube if you so wish. Here are my comments on it.

To start with GaGa sings the lyric" Amidst all of these flashing lights I pray that fame won't take my life" This immediately brings to mind martyrs of fame such as Princess Diana, and Jonh Lenon. More on this later.

She starts the performance, lying on the floor, asleep. She is then awoken and lifted to her feet abruptly by the back up dancers. I will refer to the back up dancers as the paparazzi from this point on as that is the part that I see they represent. The way in which GaGa rises to her feet is symbolic of two things. 1, a rapid rise to fame that would be somewhat dizzying, much like GaGa's own. 2, the paparazzi can make you famous with or without your permission.

The next noteworthy thing to happen is when her mask and cloak are removed. I see this as being symbolic of her loss of innocence. It is the paparazzi that the mask and cloak from her, after literally leading her astray. The loss of this clothing can be seen as her loss of decency in the public eye. Much like when Britney Spears suffered from her breakdown. The loss of her mask also representative of her growing fame, and her losing control of the situation. Her loss of her aforementioned poker face.

Then later on, a woman in a wheelchair is brought into the spotlight. The woman in the wheelchair is being directed by a member of the paparazzi, He has complete control over her movements and she has little power. She is also wearing a mask that hints towards the temporary nature of her fame. I think both of these things suggest that she is symbolic of perhaps a one hit wonder, or such like. She only briefly appears in the spotlight, before leaving as quickly as she arrived.

GaGa at this stage, starts walking with a crutch. The crutch is symbolic of the tiring effects that her fame is having on her. Much like how Princess Diana used to feel fatigued from the constant presence of the paparazzi.

After this, GaGa and a member of the paparazzi have a conflict of some sort. He becomes very personal, intimidating GaGa and intruding her personal space. She limps away from the incident, clearly weakened. I think this represents a diminishing popularity in the public eye. The fickle paparazzi have now turned on her after the conflict and she is visibly wounded as a result.

She retreats to the piano, at which she plays her swansong. Her time at the piano represents the event which leads to her death. It is open to interpretation whether her death was Princess Diana style killed by fame, or John Lenon killed by fan. Both have a similar message.

The most important thing after this is how she reacts. She walks away from the piano, bleeding profusely from her chest. She looks around pleading for help. This is the only time throughout the entire performance that she is actually on her own. The one time she needs help most, the paparazzi sit back and watch her die.

After it has reached the point of no return, the paparazzi spring back into action, surrounding GaGa in a media frenzy and showering her with mock apathy, Much like what happened when Jade Goody was diagnosed with Cancer.

They carry her away and then celebrate in their accomplishment. They have managed to take another life with their power, and get away with it. They dance in a frenzied state as GaGa is lifted above their heads, finally freezing in a celebratory pose.

The costumes are also noteworthy. The costumes are entirely white. White has connotations with innocence and purity. Yet the clothing of the paparazzi is distinctly "thuggish" they wear chains and bandannas. I think this presents the paradox of demons dressed as angles. I.e, the paparazzi pretend to be good people, but when push comes to shove, they're wicked.

Also, notice how GaGa loses control of the paparazzi throughout the song. To stat with, she is very much the leader of the choreography, but as the performance progresses, they are more and more outwith her control.

All in all, I think the performance was marvelous. I've watched it time and time again and I still admire it to this day. I can still remember the excitement I felt the first time I saw it. Emotive stuff to say the least.

Lady GaGa: VMA Paparazzi 2009

Posted by WaterShake - July 10th, 2010

Today was a great day. Today was the day I gained the ability to run away from the sun. Well, not really; but kinda. Allow me to embellish.

I live in Dubai, which is basically, a city in a desert. I am also, an avid runner. I love running. I love it so much I bought a little bit of plastic and sellotaped it to my shoe so it can tell me how well I run. It's great. Hunky Dory. However, there is one slight problem, the desert.

In case you were previously unaware. Deserts are fucking hot. Running in fucking hot deserts is not fun. Especially during the summer. For the past few months are so as the heat began unbearable and the humidity became somewhat deadly, I devised a cunning plan to avoid the sun.

i would get up real early in the morning, 4AM. Get ready and then run run run until the sun hunted me down and zapped me. This plan was working ok for a while, but it wasn't really the best. I was getting up pretty darn early and wasn't really having enough time to complete a proper run as the sun would rise at about 5AM, at which point it would behave like an absolute prick and increase the temperature to ridiculous proportions.

So then using my superior intelligence and cunning I devised a new devilish plot. Instead of running before the sun had risen, I would make my move whilst it lay at rest. HUZAH! I thought, a stroke of genius.
And this plan was moderately successful for a while. But it to had it's downsides. The humidity in the air was still uncomfortable, there were countless cats in all directions and SUV's spouting exhaust fumes everywhere. Furthermore, the adrenaline that my body was creating throughout these runs meant that I would then be unable to sleep for a good few hours afterwards. Again, not exactly the most efficient of plans.

But last night, destiny revealed herself to me. I was walking round the park, cooling down, when a neighbour I hadn't seen in a long time spotted me whilst walking his insufferable dog. We chatted for a while and I ended up pooping back round to the house for a while, During the conversation, my running was brought up. He was talking about how it's crazy to run in these conditions and how I ought to be careful. I generally agreed with him.

And then, genius struck. He remembered, in his garage, lay an unused treadmill. He asked if I would like it and my lord would I like it.

He popped round this morning with a few friends to drop it off. Ladies and gentleman, it's a thing of beauty. We soon had it up and running. Now I am able to run, away from the sun, unhindered by this torturous heat.

It's the start of a revolution.

Running Away From The Sun

Posted by WaterShake - June 20th, 2010

You've left me Speechless Lady GaGa. For the past 18 months i've sat back and watched the spectacle you've put on from the world. You've kept me captivated from start to present.

I have to admit, when Just Dance first hit the radio, I was somewhat skeptical. I thought, great, another pop star, and I didn't pay much attention. But then my dad showed me an article about you in the Newspaper, it was in the Guardian or The Times or such like I think; the details are irrelevant. What did matter though was the articulate manner which you carried yourself with throughout the entire, somewhat condescending interview. I thought good job GaGa, and whilst at this point I didn't think myself a fan, you had earned some kudos in my book.

Then you showed me your Poker Face. I became immensely interested. I couldn't remember the last time I had heard a pop song written as well as this one. From the infectious chord progression at the beginning to the anthemic loop at the end, there isn't a beat out of place. I was more than impressed. Then came the video. I started noticing some discrepancies from the standard pop star. The continued usage of the Bowie lightning bolt seemed more than just a coincidence now, the television glasses, the beautiful clothes. It was alien but familiar. I liked it, I liked it a lot.

I didn't really hear much from you for a few months after this, I was out of the UK and out of reach of pop culture. Thus I missed the media frenzy caused by your Paparazzi. However, whilst waiting in a room with internet, with about 15 minutes to kill, I decided to listen to Poker Face again on YouTube, I open up my MacBook, login to YouTube and type Lady GaGa into the search bar, When I see the results, a little spark of excitement ignites in my chest.

I see a new track, Paparazzi. Then I see the view count and the video length, my curiosity heightens. I click the link and watch. I watch as you dance your stage for 7 minuets and 11 seconds, without putting a foot wrong. I am now most definitely, a fan. After the credits had rolled I sat back and tried to absorb what I had just seen. The penny clicked. I hit replay and watched the whole thing again. But there was one more twist in the tale, the acoustic rendition. My mind was blown. I cursed myself for doubting you before and made note to research when I got home.

I read about your origins in NYC, your influences and inspirations. I noticed your ambition and your ambiguity. I began to understand that you were far removed from any other pop star that I knew of. I started my analysis of all your work and I was thoroughly impressed by your ability to combine pop with fine art.

I remember the first time I talked to someone else about you after this series of revelations. I was nervous, nor for me, but you. I was nervous that it wouldn't click like it has for me, like they might not understand you. I had in length conversations about you with my friend Ross. We talked in depth about the nature of your music and your performances and we reached the conclusion that you would most likely die on stage.

Then you did. VMA, 2009. You were killed by your fame. It was tragic and beautiful. We watched it back countless times. analyzing the costume, choreography, the crutch and wheelchair girl. It marked a new level in my admiration of you. It remains one of my favorite live performances to date.

The came our Bad Romance and the dawn of the Little Monsters. I was quick to observe the monster community and see how it would develop. Bad Romance was another phenomenal pop track on par with Poker Face and Paparazzi. However, despite the pop mastery of the song, I think my biggest memory of that song is running through the streets of Glasgow with my friend Ross, drunk out our minds, serenading each other with each verse. I messed up the french part though. The video also marked a new mile stone. It was a truly world class output, it showed the experience that your critics had accused you of lacking. It spat in the face of those who called you a one hit wonder.

I got the Fame Monster as soon as it came out. It dominated my iPod from then until now. Each track on there is polished and perfected within an inch of its life. After my first listening, Monster and Bad Romance were my favorites, after the second, it was Dance In The Dark and Telephone and by the third it was Speechless and Alejandro. Each track on there is so distinct, that every time I listen to it I think of it differently each time. I devoured the CD though, analyzing each track, lyric, tempo change, synth choice and reference. It kept my appetite satisfied for quite some time.

But then began the Telephone hype. I waited with baited breath for weeks for more details. I began imaging what it would be like. It became my temporary favorite track. You started teasing us with hints and teasers The wait become unbearable. And then you gave us a date. 14 days away. Those 14 days were some of the longest in my GaGa history, And then it arrived. I stayed up until 5 in the morning to see that video. I was the 32nd to see it. You didn't disappoint.The video was so ridiculously self indulgent; it practically drowned itself in indulgences, and then you danced over it's corpse, draped in an American flag. It was beautiful.

However shortly after Telephone, I had a somewhat bizarre experience. I realised how much I love and admire you. And the realised that you have no idea about this. I really was temporarily heart broken. It seemed so tragic. But then, after talking about it with the Little Monster community I realize you do know. You know fine well how much I love you Lady Gaga. From that day on i've proudly considered myself a Little Monster.

So today I raise my hand to you. I say long live Lady GayGay. You amaze me. I love you Lady GaGa. I'm your biggest fan. I'll follow you until you love me. Your my biggest superstar. Promise i'll be kind, but I won't stop until you're mine.

You've Left Me Speechless Lady GaGa

Posted by WaterShake - June 19th, 2010

I heard a track today and instantly fell in love. It has the sense of strength that I love about NLX and the melody that I love about Sia. The track is called Hometown Glory. And it got me thinking, about home.

I don't feel that I have a very strong sense of home, i've always moved around and I think the absolute longest i've lived anywhere is 3 years. I've lived in a bunch of different cities in England, a bunch of different cities in Scotland, and more recently one of the emirates of the UAE. I don't really associate with any one of these places as home, my childhood memories are split and fractured by hundreds of miles.

But this track changed that, for now at least. For now, I feel at home. I think I now understand what is meant by the phrase, "home is where the heart is".

I may not feel like this in a year, month, or even tomorrow, but today, my heart is with Glasgow. Tonight my home is Glasgow. My home is amongst these beautiful grimy streets. My motley crue, my memories that flow whenever I walk the streets. Home is the heat in my chest as I walk down towards Central Station to see the most beautiful girl in the city, knowing we'll be in each other arms soon. Home isn't belonging, but embracing. And it feels glorious.

Homewtown Glory

Posted by WaterShake - May 31st, 2010

Ok so I was watching the Watchmen the other night with my cousin, I was somewhat surprised.

I've seen the film numerous times, and each time i've been left disappointed. I'm a huge Alan Moore fan boy and I just feel that for all his talk, Zack Snyder failed to deliver.

He attempted to turn a character based story into an action film. He failed. All the magic and brilliance of the original was lost. Rorschach for example, came across as unbelievable and single sided. It didn't portray any of his "End is NIgh" persona. Also, he appeared to be somewhat of a hero with superior athletic ability; the point of Rorschach is he could potentially be anyone, he is whilst judgemental, entirely isolated. He is the viewpoint of the reader. His mask representing his outlook on life, black and white, the two always moving, but never merging into any grey zone. The film fails to capitalise on any of this. It is a similar story with all the other characters.

The film also missed out on lots of the symbolism and references littered throughout the book. Some of them weren't even small elements, but vital to the story such as the Tales of The Black Freighter. I think it was a mistake not to include Tales of The Black Freighter within the cinema cut of the film. The parallel stories are highly important to not only the themes of the book but to the development of Ozymandius as a believable villain. The ToTBF protagonist and Ozymandius are surprisingly similar. For example, they both ride the corpses of former comrades in an attempt to save their worlds.

However, upon watching yesterday, I saw a different side of the film. I saw it as a love story, and it was beautiful. It showed the slow death of Dr.Manhattan and SIlk Spectres relationship. As Dr.Manhattan slowly loses touch with reality and becomes disassociated with humanity. I saw the blossoming of the relation ship between, Silk Spectre and Nite Owl II. They used their joint nostalgia to escape the imminent doom of reality. I saw Rorschach at his most human, acknowledging Dan as a friend. Meanwhile Sally Jupiter falls in love with her past and Adrian Veidt goes thankless for saving the world.

All other times I saw the film, I saw it expecting a recreation of the book. But now I realise that that is not what the film was intended to do. The film was an insight into the lives of supposed "heros"

I have now watched the Watchmen, watched them fall apart and fall in love.

Watching the Watchmen

Posted by WaterShake - May 29th, 2010

Ok so i'm slowly falling in love with Donyale Luna. Well actually, I lie, theres nothing slow about it. I saw one picture and I was hooked.
I was doing some image scouting for BBS thread about fashion when I found her. I'd heard about her before but i'd never actually seen the legendary vogue cover.It was love at first sight, I can't remember the last time I saw a model with such elegance.

However, I do have some slight issues with her character. She seems to have been trapped in some sot of internal struggle about her ethnic origin. The New York Times described her as "secretive, mysterious, contradictory, evasive, mercurial, and insistent upon her multiracial lineage -- exotic, chameleon strands of Indigenous-Mexican, Indonesian, Irish, and, last but least escapable, African.".

She was also asked if she felt her appearance in Hollywood films would help the plight of ethnic minorities during the civil rights struggle, to which she replied. "If it brings about more jobs for Mexicans, Asians, Native Americans, Africans, groovy. It could be good, it could be bad. I couldn't care less.".

She also made her love of drugs publicly known., specifically LSD. In one interview she said that"I think it's great. I learned that I like to live, I like to make love, I really do love somebody, I love flowers, I love the sky, I like bright colors, I like animals. [LSD] also showed me unhappy things -- that I was stubborn, selfish, unreasonable, mean, that I hurt other people."

This aside however, I think that she was defiantly a remarkable girl. An icon of our times.

Here are some more pictures of here that I think are absolutely gorgeous. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Fashion and Donyale Luna

Posted by WaterShake - February 28th, 2010

Ok, i'm gonna spill the beans on my next work, but prepare to be disappointed, given there aren't really many beans to spill. So maybe this more of a dripping the beans? I'm not sure, but for sake of the status quo we'll stick with spilling.

I want to do something inspired by arabic and islamic design. I was at this pottery shop in Oman yesterday and some of the stuff was pretty awesome. I was also taking a wee walk through the gold souk the other day and it was fairly sweet.

So i'm thinking either like an extreme close up on the detailing of some architecture like a really nice building or fence.
Or maybe a picture of the fairly recently completed Burj Khalifa given how epic that is. It's also got a pretty arabic design on the base and in the interior.

And thats pretty much all the beans spilled.

If you're a fairly opinionated individual then feel free to place you're vote in the comment section.

But let's wrap things off nicely with a lovely picture of the sort of stuff i'm talking about.

Next Work

Posted by WaterShake - February 21st, 2010

Ok I made a thread for people to post what they thought should be in my latest drawing.

The basic concept is if robots could dream

I'm going to be working on a colour version in the next few days.

Thread Robot

Posted by WaterShake - February 18th, 2010

Ok so i've been drawing this Chinese Dragon type thing for the past few days in honour of the CHinese New Year. Comments would be nice :D
